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#NYCC | Thurs, 10/3 | ROOM 1A24 @ 6:30pm
𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒: @OscarsRedHat| @elydufour| @jamesCchen (Twitter)/ @JamesChenNYC (Instagram)
David Cameo: |
Chris Valerius (BMNY DeadCast): |
Meg The Geek (Dendy): |
- Introducing the hosts: BMNY DeadCast Live, Meg The Geek, and SQUAWKING DEAD
- Introducing the guests: #OscarRodriguezIII (from #FanArtist to #TheWhisperers), #JamesChen ("Kal"), and #ElyseDuFour ("Frankie")
- What it was like to be one of #Negan's / #JeffreyDeanMorgan's wives
- James Chen: not #StevenYeun! Updating us on his latest projects: #FBICBS, an #AudioBook ...and #IronFist
- Oscar's life as a Whisperer and how he became one
- Elyse, "Screw you for killing me," asks Oscar if he was there in the infamous Barn Scene
- Oscar describes #SamanthaMorton and #RyanHurst behind the scenes
- and chooses to be at OUR panel, rather than attend filming!
- only Sam's close circle of Whisperers receives pet names
- James describes his interaction with #AndrewLincoln... and his #RickGrimes persona
- "What's #GlennRhee doing with #MaggieRhee [ #TWDseason9 ]?" how communities intermingled
- and surprise "Dianne" #cosplay from @JessicaTCos
- armor and weapons intermingled, too, and #EarlSutton's forge is REAL
- Kal's interaction with #XanderBerkeley's character "Gregory"
- Oscar pressures Dave into doing a Gregory/Kal scene just as James leaves us
- Getting some insight into Frankie's character in Season 9
- In another segment of "Chris Hates Everything", Chris wasn't affected by the pikes
- but Elyse tells us that nobody knew about that scene until just about filming it
- but Whisperers die all the time, Oscar tells us
- Oscar sometimes watches the show, but Elyse can't anymore "being a part of it ruins the magic"
- Walkers behind the scenes party harder than Elyse can handle
- Oscar can take his mask off while Walkers can't
- sadly, Oscar can't sleep with his mask
- If Frankie wouldn't have been piked, she would've wanted to live out a normal life
- Elyse originally read for Sherry, #DwightTWD's wife, then Cyndie of #TheOceanside
- #ScottGimple knows all: #PeterLuisZimmerman's feed gave out while doing a podcast with Chris
- @heartsstillbeating (Instagram) asks Elyse what it was like to film the barn scene
- Elyse shouts out "Addy", played by her scenemate @Kelley_Mack
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At long last, TWD is upon us! It feels forever hasn't it? LET'S BREAK IT DOWN!
Camp Marimac Fall Bash | Thurs, 10/17 @ 5pm: An evening with TWD cast and Meg, Rachael, and Dave!
Walker Stalker Atlanta | 10/18 - 10/20: WE HAVE A TABLE AND PRESS PASSES! Meet Dave, Carol, Meg, and Rachael!
David Cameo: |
Carol Gallardo: |
Rachael Burt: |
- Russian Space-Walkers...?
- tied into the #BTS table read for #AMCPremiere subscribers
- Tactical training at #TheOceanside
- Updated #TitleSequence with #RickGrimes nods
- drilling down on the ironic unity of training day
- a svelt, #TWDLuke / #DanFogler flirting
- signs of #DarylDixon & #ConnieTWD flirting... and Kelly's progressive hearing loss
- and #JudithGrimes' moves & storytelling: never giving up on Rick being alive
- Ominous thoughts on #TheHilltop: leadership and status
- #ChristianSerratos & #TheWhisperers in #OpeningCredits... and #JeffreyDeanMorgan
- Did #TheGovernor last this long? And #SamanthaMorton's 1st #WalkerStalkerCon. #SpongeBob
- #AlexandriaSafeZone: #EugenePorter, the pediatrician
- #Siddiq, the awkward uncle. #RositaEspinosa, the patriarch. #FatherGabriel, the absent father
- and along came #DanteTWD / #JuanJavierCardenas
- Siddiq's #PTSD, faulty memories
- will he get #GabrielStokes' comic death?
- The nuclear arms race?: #Negan vs #AlphaTWD's walker armada
- but Negan see's the writing on the wall
- on that note: questioning Siddiq's story
- #CarolPeletier's #Michonne-like return, and Michonne's means of exit
- and enter an awkward #KingEzekiel, and #CARYL are truly #KindredSpirits
- Carol's desire to leave, this time with someone
- @WTFNyssa & @CelticTSO theorizing Siddiq led The Whisperers to pike victims to spare Rosita
- Dave has to say something abut that, but Rachael sets him straight (using his own rules)
- #Eugenius: how are you still here?
- #SpaceWalkers?! and the incredulity of the ground impact. Controling the fire.
- precision, artful action sequences; possibly attracting horde armada; Carol putting out fires with neck blood.
- Alpha's death foreshadowing with that last one? and Carol's progress with squeamishness
- Boss Zeke & #TWDJerry: fire brought down #TheKingdom; and God damn #Ornithophobia
- The uncanny encounter between Alpha & Carol
- Alpha the hibernating grizzly; #AaronTWD: Lines We Cross (looking at you Rick)
- reminders of #TaraChambler & #HeathTWD
- #NEWS of #MaggieRhee's return & #TWDPrincess (played #PaolaLazaro)
- #DwayneJohnson or #HenrySimmons as #TWDMercer. #BossLogic #AgentsofSHIELD

- and butchering Paola's last name
- speaking of unexpected castings: JDM instead of #HenryRollins. #TheWatchmen #Watchmen
- GROSS/AWESOME Ship #Walkers!
- Negan not braining someone with a tomato, for now. #ReleaseTheNegan?
- what about #BetaTWD? Negan gets #Lucille? More than just a weapon.
- Alpha's flexibility towards their own rules might be her downfall... a la Beta?
- Shoutout to @DeadConnection for exclusive stills of next week's episode
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