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We laughed, we cried, and we learned something along the way. #ThankYou: to you, the fans, who have stuck with us throughout this journey and gotten so much out of our conversations; to #MattNegrete and all the cast and crew who made this incredible show possible. In this, the last episode/light, we take a closer look at the symmetry in #Jadis & #SilasPlaskett's respective journeys, as well as the yin-yang parallel of how Silas somewhat ended up in the same place as the start of the series. We also reflect on the satisfying, yet unfinished ending that is both life, in general, and #TWDWB's end.
You are definitely going to want to get your hands on the emotionally charged and raw unedited episode. When you do, you are supporting this podcast and telling us you want more of us. Get your hands on it, here:
David Cameo: | |
Rachael Burt: | |
Sherrandy Swift: AKA @BlazyGardener |
- Watch the DAVE REACTS to Fear The Walking Dad's Midseason Finale, The Walking Dead: World Beyond's Series Finale, and Talking Dead announcing Madison Clark's return:
- Thank You, Matt Negrete and all cast & crew involved in creating/executing this show.
- The show never confirmed that Perimeter Colony are the folks Jennifer Mallick saved as a Marine in Middletown, NY.
- Even though the series asks more questions than gives you closure by the end of it, it's still fairly satisfying. As Elton Ortiz says, "Maybe there is no ending or beginning."
- Last episode, we had said the higher-ups in the Civic Republic Military know that what they are doing will make it so they are tried for war crimes and, case in point, Lt. Col. Elizabeth Kublek is on trial... but not for that.
- Though it feels like our little group didn't really have an impact, they saved Portland.
- Silas Plaskett is alone in the end, like he started, only now he's a hero.
- Will we see these characters in the Rick Grimes movie(s)? There’s a lot of room for them to appear throughout The Walking Dead Universe franchise.
- Maybe the PPP card (Tara Chambler found when Heath disappeared) was a first draft CRM logo?
- On top of the Felix Carlucci & Lt. Frank Newton fight scene being incredibly satisfying, it was also supremely homoerotic. An honorable mention goes to Robert Palmer Watkins' crotch.
- Felix and Will Campbell get married (tattooed wedding bands).
- Huck should have known her intel caused the downfall of Omaha/Campus Colony; then again, she might've only acted surprised in order to tie up Warrant Officer Jadis Stokes long enough to explode the gas.
- Much like Negan, Jadis a very entertaining character you love to hate, leaning into her badness like Victor Strand.
- What pre-apocalypse Jadis might've looked like.
- Maximilian Osinski's Austrian accent slips, delivering lines as Agent Dennis. The father/son bond between Dennis and Silas parallels what Silas had to do to his biological father.
- What Jadis actually sees in Silas.
- Brief discussion on weird names like "Rachael" and "Sherrandy"
- Leo Bennet bringing the gun/smoke show. We'll forever see romance between he and Indira in our heads.
- Anna Khaja and Indira’s one-second hourglass.
To better see the time she has left?
— Sherrandy 🔥 #BelieveInJune (@BlazyGardener) December 1, 2021 - MON 26: the present date on Huck's father's watch. Sherrandy theorizes that the night the sky fell must have been September of 2008
. - What will Portland do knowing their kids are effectively kidnapped by the CR? Will they even believe Iris et al?
- The unanswered questions, alone, might spawn more spin-offs.
- The Walking Dead ARM-my: Alicia Clark, Elton, Aaron, and Virginia.
Editors note: I shook my head as I typed that last line, but what is done cannot be undone... - Elton stabs us (but mostly Dave) right in the feels with his - the show's - final monologue:
- There was a time when I thought I was gonna die - that we were all gonna die - because I believed we were the last generation. The Endlings.
- And then for a while, I thought we were the beginning. But that ignores everything that came before - everyone who came before.
- What I know for sure is that there's a lot that's tough about the world - a lot that's harder than I ever thought it could be. Those things have left their mark on us - on all of us - in ways I never could've expected.
- I also know there's a lot that's good - that's beautiful. A lot that brings me hope.
- But maybe there is no beginning? Maybe there's no end? Maybe there just is - and "is" is whatever we make it, because really we don't get to know.
- There's no perfect modelling - no way to predict if today is the last day - if the world lasts a year or two or forever. Maybe all we get to know is now.
- And whether we make a small mark on this world or we change it entirely, it's really about those little pieces of now that get us there - those small steps that move us forward, keep us growing and evolving. Because all of those moments put together: that's a life - and that's everything.
- "So let's see who we really are, shall we?"
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