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We hope you enjoy our rendition of the events that transpired throughout this episode. One thing's for certain is that we're really enjoying #LynnCollins' performance as #LeahShaw and cannot wait to see what #RitchieCoster does next as "Pope". Is Frost a double-agent? Was Elijah burnt alive? We talk about this and much more!
A lot was cut out of the episode, from super-secret projects that can only be discussed behind the scenes, to expanding further on certain ideas and concepts (be they on a personal level or in ways we thought were great, but were too lengthy for the show). Catch these and so much more, all in support of the show, by clicking here:
David Cameo: | |
Rachael Burt: | |
Sherrandy Swift: AKA @BlazyGardener | |
@MegTheGeek: |
Aliza J: |
- Dave and Meg have a secret project. ๐
- Rachael shows-off and ships two pairs of painted sneakers to contest winners (Follow @Cosmomom09, @blazygardener and @SQUAWKINGDEAD to get your chance at more cool prizes)!
- Subscribe to our Channel and enable all notifications (won't be streaming episodes on Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, and Twitch for much longer)
- Sherrandy Noticed the Reaper victims hanging in the title sequence.
- Gasoline flowing into the cabin from under the door reminds Sherrandy of a scene with Alicia Clark in Fear The Walking Dead's 6th Season: Episode 11, The Holding.
- Will Leah Shaw stay, or will she go now? If she goes there will be trouble; If she stays it will be double.
- Meg gets Rachael to QUIT by suggesting Carol Peletier gets bit by a walker (or, an effective way to test Rachael's levels).
- Was it by circumstances beyond her control or voluntarily that Leah left her group (before meeting Daryl Dixon the first time, during the time jump)?
- Jasmine asks whether the Civic Republic Military are after Connie and Virgil.
- Similarities between Huck/Jennifer Mallick (from The Walking Dead: World Beyond) and Leah, as both were stationed in Afghanistan.
- Pope shoves Bossie into the fire, just like Negan did to Dr. Carson.
- Is love in the Zombie Apocalypse even possible?
- The Reapers are Hipster The Walking Dead (they were the walking dead before it was cool).
- Dave feels robbed of Daryl’s first kiss.
- Leah may have fled to Pope out of anger towards Daryl.
- Is the incinerated walker with the Judas sign above it Bossie? Brian Castrillo thinks it might be Elijah - watch his take on it, here:
- Either way, Angela Kang confirms, up until Bossie, Pope had not killed any of his own men.
- The Reapers' biblical names: Leah, Michael (Turner), Matthew, and Elijah.
- Rachael still doesn’t trust Frost.
- It's not about loyalty to Pope: it's about being chosen (and what that means).
- Sherrandy: Was The Walking Dead Episode 18 of Season 10(c), "Find Me" an afterthought? Were The Reapers together before, during, and after the fall?
- Father Gabriel vs. Pope: deconstructing the yin yang nature of these "men of God"
- Meg had trouble hearing Pope speak over his "Tom Selleck" mustache.
- Sherrandy: Leah = Weary, Shaw = Thicket/Clearing in the woods.
- Love triangle between Daryl, Leah, and Connie (Sorry Carol?).
- Oh yeah, Leah & Daryl definitely loved each other (right?).
- Daryl tapping his fingers: Meditation? Sign Language for Dog Dixon? Counting the Reapers?
- Angela Kang’s Inside the Episode is taking our jobs!
- Dave chooses humans over animals, once again!
- Leah & Pope's matching tattoos: Fortitudo Salutis/Saludis = Strength in Salvation.
- The following morning after his encounter with The Reapers, why does Daryl "Guts-up"?
- Why Pope hangs his victims upside down.
- Why The Reapers home base had a Terminus feel. Even the interior reminded us of Lydia’s flashback of Alpha with the hanging drapes.
- The Close-up of Bossie’s burning bubbling face.
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